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Defying Gravity with Books

I love to read! My favorite books to read are YA.

2016 Reading Challenge

2016 Reading Challenge
Aly has read 0 books toward a goal of 100 books.

2015 Reading Challenge

2015 Reading Challenge
Aly has read 39 books toward a goal of 50 books.


Fallen - Lauren Kate

I enjoyed this book very much. The only problem that I had with this book was the pacing.. Parts seemed to be slow while others were quick. I will definitely be reading the second.


Luce starts at a new school after a problem at her old school. She comes across two boys that she is drawn to, Cam and Daniel. She feels as if she has known Daniel a long time, while Cam makes her feel appreciated. She goes back and forth between the two until she finds out the truth. Trouble seems to follow Luce.. The shadows and the deaths. A truce happens at the end between Cam and Daniel.. What does that mean for Luce?